Fully Committed

Fully Committed. a rare comedy, very well done.
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We are very excited to announce that our first production of the 2020-21 Season will be Fully Committed! It has been very challenging to select productions for this season while knowing that the pandemic could close our show at any moment. In order to overcome this challenge, we focused on productions that could be produced virtually.

About the Show

This devastatingly funny one act follows a day in the life of Sam Peliczowski, an out-of-work actor who mans the red-hot reservation line at Manhattan’s number-one restaurant. Coercion, threats, bribes, histrionics—a cast of desperate callers will stop at nothing in their zeal to land a prime reservation, or the right table. Amid the barrage, Sam’s got his own needs to contend with—his recently widowed dad wants him home for Christmas, and he’s up for a choice part at Lincoln Center. While juggling scheming socialites, name-dropping wannabes, fickle celebrities and egomaniacal bosses, can he manage to look out for himself?

Health and Safety

This production was chosen to minimize any risks to the students and staff while still offering a worthwhile production experience to both cast and crew, and we are confident that we have achieved that goal. This production never has more than 1 actor in any scene at one time. This production’s versatility allows for characters to be filmed on set or from the safety of their own home. We will release more information about the production as soon as it’s available.


We will be holding virtual auditions for all interested students by September 2nd, 2020. If you are interested in auditioning for Fully Committed or any of our future productions this season, we ask that you please fill out the Audition Form linked below. Then look out for an email with instructions on how to join our Dobson Drama Club Slack to receive updates on auditions, rehearsals, and all things Dobson Drama!

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