Enrolling in Classes

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We are excited to welcome students to be a part of the Dobson Drama program! Our program offers a wide range of options including performing, writing, building, designing, and leadership. Enrollment is now open for the 2022 – 2023 school year, and we want you in our classes alongside our Dobson Drama Club members!

Our Classes

PA89 – Stagecraft

The students in our stagecraft class are behind the scenes for every event in the Dobson Auditorium. Students have the opportunity to learn about lighting, sound, set design and construction, stage management, props, and costumes. The open-ended nature of the Stagecraft curriculum allows students take in a breadth of production areas, while working on a specialization of their preference. We encourage our students to explore design concepts, collaborate as a team, and work together to solve production issues. The class is taught in collaboration between our director, Simon Navarro, and our technical directors, Grant Hughes and Jace Webb. Students enrolled in this course will work on after school productions with professionals to turn student designs into reality.

PA76 – Beginning Acting

Our beginning acting class is the first level for any student new to the acting classes at Dobson. The class is designed to teach students the basic steps in building a character. It teaches students to overcome inhibitions involved in performing in front of others. Improvisation and short acting scenes help students realize a believable character.

PA86 – Intermediate Acting

After completing Beginning Acting, students can progress to our intermediate class. In Intermediate Acting, students who are  highly interested in theatre are given the opportunity to advance their understanding of theatre and performance. Students will be introduced to more advanced acting techniques and styles and further advance their directing and technical skills.

PA92 – Advanced Acting

Advanced Acting is for acting students who are interested in learning the techniques of auditioning and analyzing characters in depth. Through improvisations and acting scenes, each student will learn how to create the role desired in a production. In addition, much time will be spent on what constitutes complete characterization.

Our Productions

Acting in our productions is open to all Dobson students, whether they’re enrolled in our acting classes or not. Our productions are our proudest achievements. We work hard to make sure that the students come out of each show with something they can be proud of too. We produce 3 MainStage productions each year (a fall play, winter showcase, and spring musical) and 2 student-run performances by our sketch comedy group, Friday Night Live.

Students who are interested in acting in our productions should keep an eye out for our auditions, and students interested in working as a part of our crew should enroll in Stagecraft.

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Incoming freshmen, you will want to complete the registration form before the end of January.

9th grade Registration Timeline:
January: Students will attend an information meeting.
February: Students will attend the registration meeting to complete their 9th grade courses.

Questions: If you have questions or concerns, please visit the Dobson High School 9th Grade Registration webpage.

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